The Vibrant Colors of Serendipity

I prefer camping. She prefers glamping. But it really doesn’t matter. Autumn saw to it that we were both surrounded by the vibrant colors of serendipity. And it wasn’t just in our RV.

If you’ve visited our About Serendipity Farmhouse page, you know Blondie and I have a special definition for the word ‘serendipity’. – Serendipity is the answer to a prayer you never prayed but should have.

For us ‘serendipity’ is not mere chance. It’s something you must seek. It’s like the trail marker hidden in the shadows. You must look for it and recognize it for what it is. It’s far more common than you think. You can find it everywhere. – Even on an RV trip or in your own backyard.

Serendipity is not just good luck. It is a gift freely given by a firm Guiding Hand. And accepting that gift is an act of faith.

October 24th was the first day of the last RV trip for the year. There was no special purpose for the trip. It was just an opportunity for us to break from routine farmhouse chores and be together. Little did we know that during this trip we would see some of the most spectacular Autumn views ever.

Unlike Monte’s Feline Fantasy RV Trip last June, I did the driving to Shenandoah River State Park. Unfortunately, Mr. Monte is just as obnoxious as a back-seat-driver as he is when he’s behind the wheel.

Despite Monte’s criticism and complaints, we arrived at Site #1 with no undue problems. Setup was quick and easy. Sweet Miss Blondie and I took a short rest and then headed down to the river. We decided to walk along River Trail. And that’s where the surprisingly vibrant colors of our serendipitous trip came into full view. They reflected off the still water and made fast a pleasant memory in my mind. – Here’s just a bit of what we saw.

As afternoon turned into evening, Chef Blondie performed her kitchen magic in our somewhat less than commodious RV kitchen. She decided that her ever-popular Indian Chicken Curry – The ECDM Way would suit the weather and the season.

I assisted with the menial tasks of making rice and general cleanup. My great diligence and effort were rewarded by one of my favorite camper meals.

This wasn’t the trip of a lifetime. This trip was but another treasured part of a lifetime with the one I love. It was a moment in time. Serendipity is knowing that those special moments are always there.

Those moments can be as simple as waking up in our RV and doing the morning chores surrounded by magnificent Autumn colors. Should you want more than that, you can have a brunch cooked outside. Perhaps you would start with sizzling, fried bacon. If you’ve planned ahead, you just might have a fresh loaf of homemade sourdough bread. – Could anything be better for brunch than French toast on sourdough bread with crispy bacon and hot coffee?

After brunch, we set out to do just exactly what we had planned to – that would be not much of anything. Basking amidst the vibrant colors, it was so pleasant to simply take another walk, play a few hands of Rummy, and spend time relaxing in the shade of the RV awning. After all, this trip was just an opportunity for us to break from routine farmhouse chores and be together.

The afternoon silently slipped away, and the shadows began to lengthen. Soon, the setting sun intensified the hues and vibrance of the Autumn colors. We took it all in for one final moment and then closed the RV door. There would be no supper this evening. Brunch was more than enough for the day.

Mr. Monte requested Blondie and me to join him in watching Jacques Pépin. He did his best to persuade Blondie to have the soon-to-be-world famous Test Kitchen try more of Jacques’s recipes.

With all the fresh air and beautiful views this day, though, Mr. Monte soon joined us in closing our eyes. We all slipped off to the Land of Nod. – The day was beautiful, but even the most beautiful days must come to an end.

Yes, it was a wonderful and relaxing RV trip in the Shenandoah Valley. But when your farmhouse is at nestled in the Blue Ridge, within sight of Skyline Drive, the vibrant colors of serendipity are present right there on your doorstep.

Whether you go to the Rappahannock County Court House to vote or walk to the mailbox or pray for the Poor Souls, the Autumn colors are there to remind you of how that firm Guiding Hand brought you here.

Upon final reflection, the vibrant colors of serendipity are one more answer to a prayer we should have prayed but didn’t. – We are thankful for trail markers and the firm Guiding Hand that brought us here.

vibrant colors
There’s more to see in the video of the Vibrant Colors. Check it out and subscribe to our YouTube Channel

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