How to use your frozen tomatoes

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You stored away your bumper crop and now you’re wondering how to use your frozen tomatoes. You’re also wondering what to serve on a chilly day. This is where Chef Blondie and the amazing Jacques Pépin come to your rescue. Tonight the menu will include Jacques’s Velvet Tomato Soup made from your very own frozen tomatoes.

So, read the general instructions below. They will enable you to make any type of tomato soup you like. They will also help you to use frozen tomatoes in any number of other dishes from chili to stew.

The YouTube video and the attached, printable recipe will show you how to make Jacques’s fantastic Velvet Tomato soup à la Jacques Pépin.

Jacques's tomato soup

How to use Frozen Tomatoes for Tomato Soup

Frozen tomatoes can be an excellent ingredient for making delicious and flavorful tomato soup. Here’s how you can incorporate them into your soup recipes.

Jacques's tomato soup

Thawing and Preparation

The first step is to thaw the frozen tomatoes. You can do this by placing them in the refrigerator overnight or running them under warm water for a few minutes until they soften.

Once thawed, the skins should easily slip off. If not, you can make a small slit in the skin and peel it off.

Adding to the Soup

After peeling and removing any blemishes or cores, you can add the thawed tomatoes directly to your soup pot. Chop or crush them if you prefer a smoother texture. Some recipes recommend adding a teaspoon of sugar or a splash of balsamic vinegar to balance the acidity of the tomatoes.

Cooking and Seasoning

When making tomato soup with frozen tomatoes, it’s essential to simmer the soup for a longer time, around 30-40 minutes, to allow the flavors to meld and the tomatoes to break down. This extended cooking time also helps to evaporate any excess liquid released by the thawed tomatoes, resulting in a thicker, more concentrated soup.

You can enhance the flavor of your soup by sautéing aromatics like onions, garlic, and herbs before adding the tomatoes and broth. Adjust the seasoning with salt, pepper, and your preferred herbs and spices.

Blending and Finishing Touches

Jacques's tomato soup

For a smooth, velvety texture, you can use an immersion blender or a regular blender to purée the soup once it has finished cooking. If using a regular blender, be cautious of hot liquids and work in batches.

Finally, you can add a splash of cream, a dollop of pesto, or garnish with croutons or grated cheese for a delightful finishing touch.

Jacques's tomato soup

By following these simple steps, you can create a rich, flavorful tomato soup using frozen tomatoes, ensuring that none of their freshness goes to waste. And that’s how to use your frozen tomatoes.


Jacques's tomato soup

The recipe used here was adapted from Jacques Pepin’s Velvet Tomato recipe on p. 54 of Jacques Pepin Heart and Soul in the Kitchen. Over his lengthy career, Jacques has used several variations of this recipe.

Other sources used in preparing this post and recipe:

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