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SFH Happy New Year – 2021!

Hi! Mr. Monte here.

As you can see by my ears and the expression on my face, you will certainly understand that I remain troubled. I’m still trying to shake off the negative feelings that disturbed my courageous yet sensitive feline soul throughout the scandalous year of 2020. But shake it off and be rid of it I will! I shall begin anew!

To My 23, 417 feline followers, especially my many cat cousins residing in Virginia, and to all the faithful followers of this journal of Serendipity Farmhouse – Happy New Year! Be it hereby resolved that we all make 2021 the best year ever and may we earnestly Pray for, Prepare for, and Preserve all that is right, goodly, Godly, and true!

A Sixth Anniversary

It was on December 31, 2014 that Blondie and Ol’ Fuzz Face made their way to Virginia Beach and we first met. This blog provides a living journal of how those two highly favored big cats of mine have grown and prospered under my care and protection. They have dutifully attended to my needs and have been relatively faithful and obedient servants. After all these years, I must admit to having developed an affection for them. I will also admit that we are fortunate to have each other.

Vanquish the Elf

I find it difficult to understand why Blondie and Fuzzy have allowed this little red intruder to reside within Serendipity Farmhouse. His only purpose is to spy on good and innocent individuals and then snitch to Santa if they accidentally happen to cross some arbitrary line between ‘naughty’ and ‘nice’. He skulks within the corridors and rooms of SFH, not unlike an unwanted rodent or bug. He hides on shelves and in concealed lairs to perform his evil deeds of espionage. – – Is it any wonder then that I, the Chief of Security for SFH, would not be willing to act peaceably towards him when Blondie attempted to bring about a reconciliation between me and that disreputable elf. – – I think the following video clearly sums up my feelings on this matter.




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