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SFH Journal: 2018-05-19

DSC_0210 (2)Highlight: This morning, upon determining that the river was not going to overflow its banks, I proceeded to survey the Serendipity Farmhouse grounds for problems or damages. I learned two things. First, one of our poplar trees is now in full bloom.

The second finding, I think, is a very important scientific discovery. Apparently due to the recent week of rains, a mini-burst in evolution has occurred. The yard has been so filled with standing water that our local squirrels have had to develop a capability for flight. Now you might think that we have lost contact with reality due to the rain and cabin fever it induced. However, I have a photograph of one of our squirrel friends in the midst of a low-level flight to a nearby sycamore tree. Here, see for yourself.

Weather: Rain continued into the morning and tapered off in the afternoon. We had a brief glimpse of a bright orb in the west in the late evening. We are searching through our library and the Internet to ascertain the nature and name of that orb. (Detailed Summary – click here.)

Plantings: Nothing to report.

Harvest: Nothing to report.

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