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SFH Skills 2018-01: Bill Skills

Everyone has skills. Skills are very important. You can’t live without them. Even Mr. Monte has skills. (Read What Were They Thinking?) Unfortunately, some people have the wrong skills for where they are. Serendipity Farmhouse, for example, requires some unusual skills. For example, we have recently acquired “bird in wood stove skills”.

Although we have developed several requisite SFH skills, and someday we might even have blogging skills, there is no way that I will ever have wood working skills, plumbing skills, generator fixing skills, or deck building skills. That, dear friends, is why we are blessed to have Bill and all of his “Bill Skills”.

You can see Bill here with a project he completed last week. Yup, Bill has railing skills. Those stairs under the railing? Yup, Bill built those steps – he has stair skills. Over the course of this coming year we will talk about Bill and his Bill Skills.



Oh, some day, you might find someone like Bill, but I guarantee you, you’ll never find someone with the entire set of Bill Skills. That set of skills only belongs to Bill. Bill is our “go to guy”. Every day, Serendipity Farmhouse shows off more and more why it was happy to be introduced to Bill and his skills.

Don’t think we take this lightly. Bill is a craftsman, a professional, he’s worked on this house inside and outside since we first moved in. It’s more than just skills, he loves what he does, and he’s the best.

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