SFH Journal: 2020-04-20 through 05-03 – Slipping into May

So very much to do, so very little time to do it. Without the slightest sign of slowing, Serendipity Farmhouse is slipping speedily into May. The world has its problems, but at SFH there’s no reason to dwell on what is nigh unto inconsequential in comparison to the demands of the here and now. Vegetables must be planted. Herbs must be picked. Planning, execution, everything follows a timetable dictated by weather and sunlight.

But there is time to remember and celebrate things which are most important. There is time to slow down and acknowledge the One who makes this all possible, And there is time to reflect upon his Mother to whom we dedicate this beautiful month of May. – – On May 2nd, the First Saturday of the month, we had our annual May Crowning.

And in her honor we present a pictorial bouquet of May flowers.

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Sandwiched between all of the chores, plantings, and harvests, we have taken the time to upgrade the way we present recipes that have been developed by the soon-to-be-world-famous SFH Test Kitchen. Check out our post And the morel of this story is … to see what the new format looks like. We hope you like it.

We’ve also taken the time to give a useful presentation of statistics for our plantings and harvests. Here is what has been done at SFH thus far during 2020: SFH 2020 Plantings and SFH 2020 Harvest.

The following links will catch you up with our weather during the last two weeks:

SFH WX Station Report – Weekly:  SFH WX 2020-04-20 through 04-25

SFH WX Station Report – Weekly:  SFH WX 2020-04-27 through 05-03



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