SFH Journal: 2018-10-03 through 07

Highlight/Notice: Daughters, son, daughter-in-law, sons-in-law, grandchildren, please take notice of the featured picture. Yes, that is a new tropical storm tracking our way.

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And yes, that is a brand new stack of firewood – two full cords to be precise. It was delivered to Serendipity Farmhouse on September 29th and it is still waiting for you.

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And yes, that is what Florence did to the end of the yard where the firewood is now stacked. Another event like the flash flood that Florence brought, could mean that our neighbors downstream might end up with our two cords of firewood.

Ergo, I will start moving wood to the shed today. Your assistance with the firewood is cordially invited. (Pun entirely intended.)

Weather: Dry, warm weather continues to dominate. We are beginning to watch tropical storm Michael. The projected track now goes through a portion of Virginia. We are making the requisite advance preparations – just in case.

2018-10-03: High – 86º (Details – click here.)

2018-10-04: High – 87º (Details – click here.)

2018-10-05: High – 75º (Details – click here.)

2018-10-06: High – 86º (Details – click here.)

2018-10-07: High – 89º (Details – click here.)

Plantings: Nothing to report

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Harvest: The harvest has slowed. As this post is being written, three trays of serrano and habanero peppers are being dehydrated.

2018-10-03: Nothing to report

2018-10-04: 1 okra pod, 11 jalapenos

2018-10-05: Nothing to report

2018-10-06: Nothing to report

2018-10-07: Nothing to report

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