SFH Journal: 2018-08-01 & 02

0802181419c (2)Highlight: So what is it? We found this in our local Martin’s grocery store today. It was bigger than a large watermelon. It was spiny and course to the touch. Unlike a melon, it doesn’t grow on a vine. No, this huge fruit grows on trees. They say it can weigh up to 33 pounds. If there hadn’t been a sign there to explain, I would have thought for sure that this was a remake of the “Pod People (Invasion of the Body Snatchers)”. Even though the sign identified this as Jackfruit, I’m still not sure that I want to go to bed tonight. And if that isn’t enough to raise the hair on the back of your neck, take a look at what the weather is causing to happen. Oh dear, oh my!

Weather: At this very moment, right now, even as I am typing, it’s raining. No, it is pouring; the yard is filled with water, and the river is rising. There are both flash flood warnings and flash flood watches in effect until tomorrow morning. Meanwhile, silently, insidiously, eerily, the lawn is growing; the weeds are growing; moss and fungus are growing. It’s almost like a 1950s horror movie – the vines are creeping in through the windows, seeking to entangle us and then … and then … – – – –

Tune in tomorrow for the next exciting episode of “Serendipity Farmhouse – The Night of the Rain Monster”.

2018-08-01: High – 86º (Detailed Summary – click here.)

2018-08-02: High – 80º (Detailed Summary – click here.)

Plantings: Nothing to report


2018-08-01: 4 okra pods

2018-08-02: Nothing to report

5 thoughts on “SFH Journal: 2018-08-01 & 02”

  1. I saw that thing at Martins but wasn’t brave enough to buy it. I’m anxious to hear what you think of it, how you get into it, what part of it is even supposed to be eaten.

  2. I’ve heard of Jackfruit but I didn’t know it looked like that! Haha, what a thing!

    The description of your yard is so creepy. I can totally see the horror movie taking place. Maybe Tiffany turkey will come back to visit but this time she’ll be Godzilla sized ! Don’t worry though, she’ll protect you from Mega worms that might spring up from all the rain. 😉

    1. Ah! The Mega worms what a joyful prospect. I hadn’t even considered that. You have a such a great way of inspiring courage and confidence. Thank you!

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