SFH Journal: 2018-05-23

Highlight: Our Magnolia tree is evergreen. It drops old leaves all year round,  but, in springtime, we see many more leaves coming down than during other seasons. New leaves initially appear as narrow pods that slowly open to reveal their fresh, bright green contents. Larger and thicker pods can be seen in May. They are the buds for flowers that will blossom in June.

The feature picture for this post captures three events occurring simultaneously – the old brown leaves ready to drop, the new leaves breaking forth, and the development of the magnolia flower bud. It’s a process that is pleasant to watch and it adds greatly to our appreciation of the natural order of life here at Serendipity.

Late Entry: Another natural process commenced its splendid springtime revelation. On the evening of May 22nd, Serendipity Farmhouse witnessed the first fireflies (or lightening bugs if you prefer) of the season. By the way, the terms “fire fly” and “lightening bug” are regional. The article Regional Breakdown of “Firefly” Vs. “Lightning Bug” illustrates which term predominates in various regions of the U.S.

Which term do you use?

Weather: Finally, a day without rain. The same is predicted for tomorrow. Perhaps I can finally catch up with mowing and trimming. (Detailed Summary – click here.)

Plantings: Nothing to report.

Harvest: Nothing to report.

3 thoughts on “SFH Journal: 2018-05-23”

  1. I think when I was growing up we said lightning bug, but I use both terms now. I used to see them when I was small but then they disappeared. So, it was with great, great happiness that I saw them again here. I love them so much.

    Thanks for the info on the dropping leaves of Magnolias in the Spring. Our one year old planted Magnolia always has brown spots on the leaves ☹️but at least now I know the shedding of the leaves is normal, at least.

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