Report to St. Isidore

May 15th, the Feast of St. Isidore – A report and accounting of our labors at Serendipity Farmhouse.


St. Isidore, because we have asked you to be our patron for all things agricultural, horticultural, and in all efforts involving physical labor, it is proper that on the day of your Feast that we make this report.


Part I – The Herb Garden

Close to our back door, we have planted herbs to add flavor to our foods. A small cherry tomato bush will provide color for our salads. Loving Spouse has added several flowers because they are pleasant to the eye and for the practical reason to keep insects away. Although there was damage due to frost, the herb garden is now flourishing.

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Part II – The Vegetable Garden

Not all is going well in the vegetable garden. Recent heavy rains have beaten down the collards and beets. More rain is predicted this week. On the other hand, the okra and beans are sprouting quite nicely. Three different types of hot peppers are thriving. It was the first season for the asparagus. They have done well and they are tasty. Next year looks to be even better.

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Part III – Flowers and Plants

Today, we planted a new lilac bush in the place where a holly tree was taken down by strong winds. We also planted new grass in several areas. Yes, we even planted grass where our world-famous dirt pile used to be. Meanwhile, the rhododendrons near the shed are in full bloom, as are the small irises near the wellhead in the front. Our magnolia tree is promising many blooms come June.

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That concludes our report, St. Isidore. We have tried to be good stewards of what God has bestowed on Serendipity. The fruits of these labors constantly bring us joy.

Finally, today we held a belated May Crowning in our special garden.

May Crowning

2 thoughts on “Report to St. Isidore”

  1. With so much rain, it helps to have straw put underneath young plants. The straw absorbs a lot of the water while still keeping the soil moist.

    1. Yes, and straw can help to avoid blight during this exceedingly wet time of year. Yesterday, we only had one bail of straw available, and that was used to cover newly planted grass in two large areas. For now, we’re ensuring that no tomato leaves are touching the ground.

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